Setting Conditions

Pricing your home right the first time results in more exposure, more offers, and ultimately, the best return. This is one area where our expertise as REALTORS® and familiarity with the market can really pay—literally.

As a buyer, it’s important to protect yourself by making your offer conditional on certain outcomes. 

The most common of these is a home inspection to save you from unpleasant surprises. A qualified, professional  inspector will  throughly check the home and provide you with a detailed report that includes any recommendations for repairs.

A lawyer is another member of your team whose job is to ensure your conditions are met. They’ll ensure that property taxes, utilities, and other fees are up to date, and let you know exactly how much money you will need to complete the transaction, see to it that the seller is paid, and the title is legally transferred.

For details, download our free Home Buyer Guide.

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Benedict Real Estate Group

105 Wentworth Rd
PO Box 2138
Windsor, NS B0N 2T0